Cerebral Palsy



• In 1860s, known as                 "Cerebral Paralysis” or   William       “Little’s Disease”  John Little              ...CEREBRAL PALSY (CP) • Cerebral“- Latin Cerebrum;   – Affected part of brain • “Palsy " -Gr. para- beyond,              ...

CP Affects ements                       Balance ation                 Posture


An insult or injury to the brain – Fixed, static lesion(s) – In single or multiple   areas of the motor   centers of the ...CAUSES • Development Malformations   – The brain fails to develop correctly. • Neurological damage   – Can occur before, ...CHIEF CAUSE Severe deprivation of oxygen or     blood flow to the brain                   – Hypoxic-ischemic            ...TYPES OF CEREBRAL PALSY  1. Accdg. to Neurologic Deficits • Based on the  - extent of the damage  - area of brain damage • Each type involves th...3 MAIN       TYPES 1. PYRAMIDAL   - originates from the motor   areas of the cerebral cortex 2. EXTAPYRAMIDAL   - basal ga...2. Accdg. to Type of Movement                    Photo from: Saunders, Elsvier.  4 MAIN TYPES PYRAMIDAL       1. Spastic CP EXTAPYRAMIDAL   2. Athethoid CP                 3. Ataxic CP MIXED           4....Types of Spastic CP     According to affected limbs: * plegia or paresis - meaning paralyzed or weak: •   Paraplegia •   ...DEGREE OF SEVERITY 1. Mild CP- 20% of cases •   Moderate CP- 50%     - require self help for assisting their     impaired...Signs and Symptoms OF CEREBRAL PALSY  d.                 e.      c.                      f. b.                g.      a.   h.  Early Signs Infancy (0-3 Months)                         • Stiff or floppy posture                        • Excessive let...Early Signs • Abnormal or prolonged     primitive reflexes        Moro’s reflex   Asymmetric tonic neck reflex        Pl...CHILD with CP           ch al         ea nt        r e     t o m es   ow elop ton Sl v    e i l es   d m  Behavioral Symptoms  • Poor ability to concentrate,  • unusual tenseness,  • Irritability  ASSOCIATED  PROBLEMS OF CEREBRAL PALSY  • Hearing and visual                                • Bladder and bowel   problems                                  contro...Diagnosis OF CEREBRAL PALSY  DIAGNOSIS •   Physical evaluation, Interview •   MRI, CT Scan EEG •   Laboratory and radiologic work up •   Assessment too...ASSESSMENT  1. SUBJECTIVE   - INTERVIEW  a. History Taking –Include all that may predispose  an infant to brain damage or CP   •Risk factors   •Psychosocial fact...b. Child’s Health        History • Often admitted to hospitals for corrective   surgeries and other complications.   – Res...


b. Child’s Health        History • Often admitted to hospitals for corrective   surgeries and other complications.   – Res...2. OBJECTIVE -   Physical Examination

CRITERIA P osturing / Poor muscle control and strength O ropharyngeal problems O S trabismus/ Squint S T one (hyper-, hypo...



- No treatment to cure cerebral palsy. - Brain damage cannot be corrected. • Crucial for children with CP:   –Early Ident...

I. Nonphysical Therapy        “The earlier we start, the more improvement can be made”            -Health worker

• General management    - Proper nutrition and personal care B. Pharmacologic    Botox, Intrathecal, Baclofen        - co...

C. Surgery  -To loosen joints,  -Relieve muscle tightness,  - Straightening of different twists or  unusual curvatures of ...

Selective posterior rhizotomy In some cases nerves need to be severed to decrease   muscle tension of inappropriate contra...

D. Physical Aids • Orthosis, braces and splints • Positioning devices • Walkers, special scooters, wheelchairs E. Specia...


H. Other Treatment - Therapeutic electrical stimulation, - Acupuncture, - Hyperbaric therapy - Massage Therapy might help

II. Physical Therapy 'The ultimate long-term goal is realistic independence. To     get there we have to have some shor...

A.Sitting         - Vertical head control and   control of head and trunk. B. Standing and walking         - Establish an...


C. Prone Development D. Supine Development  o Head control on supine and positions



NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES C. Functioning as a member of the    health team D. Providing counseling and education    for th...


D. Assisting with feeding management  and toilet training E. Assisting with rehabilitation therapies  (physical, occupatio...

"Time and gravity are enemies of very aging body,  especially mine." - Adult with CP


Cerebral Palsy


CEREBRAL PALSY  A Heterogenous Group  of Movement Disorders   – An umbrella term   – Not a single diagnosis


CEREBRAL   PALSY • A motor function disorder   – caused by permanent, non-progressive brain lesion   – present at birth or...

CEREBRAL PALSY • A motor function disorder – caused by permanent, non-progressive brain lesion – present at birth or short...Definition  Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of permanent disorder of the development of movement and posture, causing acti...Etiology Causes of cerebral palsy involve of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal  Broadly...  Prenatal Maternal  Diabetes/hyperthyroidism  Exposure to radiation/toxins  Malnutrition  Cognitive impairment/seizures...Labour and delivery  Premature delivery  Prolonged rupture of membranes  Fetal heart rate depression  Abnormal present...Perinatal  Prematurity and associated problems  Sepsis and/ or central nervous system infections  Seizure  Intraventri...Postnatal/Childhood  Brain injury  Meningitis or encephalitis  Toxins  Traumatic brain injury  Infections  Stroke  Protective Factors Obstetric care: Magnesium Sulphate Antibiotics Corticosteroids  Type of cerebral palsy  Type of cerebral palsy 1) Spastic (Pyramidal) characterized by persistent primitive reflexes, positive babinski reflex, an...Spastic  2) Dyskinetic (Nonspecific, extrapyramidal)  Athetoid: chorea (involuntary, irregular, jerking movements), characterized ...Dyskinetic  3) Ataxic (Nonspastic, extrapyramidal)  Wide-based gait  Rapid, repetitive movement performed poorly  Disintegration of...Ataxia  Clinical Manifestation 1. Physical signs  poor head control after 3 months of age  stiff or rigid arms or legs  pushing...2. Behavioral signs Extreme irritability or crying Feeding difficulties Little interest surrounding Excessive slepping  Diagnostic test  Physical examination.  History taking.  Neurologic assessment .  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) whi... Electroencephalogram (EEG), where small electrodes are placed on the scalp to monitor brain activity.  Electromyogram (...Electroencephalogram  Treatment Medical Therapy can help a person with cerebral palsy to enhance functional abilities and therapy is chiefly sym...The therapy treatment include: 1. Physical therapy physical therapy is directed toward good skeletal alignment for child w...2. Occupational therapy. Using alternative strategies and adaptive equipment, occupational therapists work to promote the ...3. Speech and language therapy Speech-language pathologists can help improve the child's ability to speak clearly or to co...Pharmacological The goal of drug therapy is to reduce the effects of cerebral palsy and prevent complications:  Analgesic...Surgical Surgery used to correct problems with bones and joints, by lengthening any muscles and tendons that are too short...2. Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) Selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) is a surgical procedure that can help children with p...Selective Posterior Rhizotomy  Gastrostomy  Nursing responsibility  Assessment of infants for abnormal muscle tones, inability to achieve milestones, and persistence... Flush the feeding tube with more water after administration medication.  Immunization should be administered to prevent...In Summary...  In Popular Culture... Spandan is a critically aclaimed social family drama directed by two IITians which revolves around a...Thank You & Wear Green! First Wednesday of October, every year!  Cerebral PalsyCerebral PalsyCerebral PalsyCerebral PalsyCerebral PalsyCerebral Palsy




Cerebral palsy CP has been defined as  Non progressive injury to the immature brain  Leading to motor dysfunction  Lesi... Progressive disorders resembling CP Type I Arginase deficiency Sjögren – Larsson syndrome Lesch - Nyhan syndrome Chiari ...Risk factors Prenatal  Prematurity (< 36 weeks)  Low birth weight (less than 2500 g)  Maternal epilepsy  Infections (T...




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