Adolescence – the period of changes


The human body under goes several changes during
Adolescence. These changes mark the onset of
The most important ...1. Increase in height
2. Change in body shape
3. Voice change
4. Increased activity of sweat and
sebaceous glands
5. Devel...Age in
% of full height
Boys Girls
8 72 % 77 %
9 75 % 81 %
10 78 % 84 %
11 81 % 88 %
12 84 % 91 %
13 88 % 95 %
14 92...Present height ____
% of full height at this age
X 100
A boy is 9 years old and 120 cm tall. At the end
of the growth peri...At puberty, the voice box or the larynx begins to grow.
Boys develop larger voice boxes. Boys
have a deep and hoarse voice...The growing voice box can be seen as a
protruding part of the throat called Adam’s
 •The testes and penis develop completely.
•The testes also begin to produce sperms.
•The ovaries enlarge and eggs begin to...•It is the time in one’s life when the brain has
the greatest capacity for learning.
•The change in a person’s way of thin...The changes which occur at adolescence are
controlled by chemical substances called hormones.
Hormones are secretions from...The hormones secreted by the pituitary
stimulate testes and ovaries to produce their
The pituitary is attached t...The adrenal glands secrete hormones which maintain
the correct salt balance in the blood.
Adrenals also produce the hormon...Adolescence is a stage of rapid growth
and development.
The diet for an adolescent has to be
carefully planned.
The diet m...Adolescence is a time when our bodies, our families, our
schools and the largest society demand that we change.
Teenage ye...Adolescence
…that part in our life where
nothing seems to go
smoothly yet our best
 Some Definitions
• Puberty
Physical characteristics that occur during
• Primary Sex Characteristics
The chang...Teenagers
Comprise 2nd largest population group. (23%)
• over 1 billion world over
• World over - 1 out of every 5 person
...adolescence - the period of changesadolescence - the period of changesadolescence - the period of changesadolescence - the period of changesadolescence - the period of changesadolescence - the period of changesadolescence - the period of changesadolescence - the period of changesadolescence - the period of changesadolescence - the period of changes



adolescence – the period of changes


- Controlled growth during
childhood and the changes during
- made up of a set of organs called
- affects your growth more than any
other gland.
- produces many kinds of hormones and
one of these is the...PITUITARY GLAND
- releases hormones that cause
your reproductive glands to
become active produces many
kinds of hormones a...SEX HORMONES:
- Testosterone – male (testes)
- Estrogen – female (ovaries)
- stimulate the many physical changes that
• rapid increase in height and weight.
• Changes in circulatory and respiratory systems.
• Body compositi...PHYSICAL CHANGES
• Secondary sex characteristics are changes not directly related to sexual reproduction.
• experience rapid mental development.
• changes in the structure of the brain.
•more responsive to rewards and stress.
•more emotional and this makes them open to being
hurt or in dan...SOCIAL CHANGES
• Very self- conscious. They consider approval of friends and
other adolescents or peers as very important....MORAL-SPIRITUAL
• begin analyzing themselves during this stage.
• analyze their strengths and weaknesses.
• learn ...REMEMBER!
• Changes that happen during puberty are normal to
• You have to know and understand these changes ...Changes in adolescents



Growth and development of adolescence

Is a period of transition between
childhood and adulthood.
A time of rapid physical, cognitive, social
and e...Cont.…..
Adolescence is generally regarded as
the psychologic, social, and
maturational process initiated by the
Physical changes of puberty are primarily
the result of hormonal activity under the
influence of c...BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT cont.…..
Obvious changes are
- Increased physical growth
-Development of secondary sexual
Primary sex characteristics- The external and
internal organs that carry out the reproductive
Secondary...The Tanner scale (also known as the
Tanner stages) is a scale of physical
development in children, adolescents and
adults...Tanners scale
 Breasts (female )
 Tanner I
no glandular tissue: areola follows the skin contours of the chest
(prepubertal) [typically a...Pubic hair (both
male and female)
 Tanner I
no pubic hair at all (prepubertal Dominic state) [typically age 10 and
 Tanner I
prepubertal (testicular volume less than 1.5 ml; small penis of 3 cm or
less) [typically age 9 an...HORMONAL CHANGES
I t is caused by the hormonal influence and
control by anterior pitutary in response to the
stimulus fro...Cont.…….
Estrogen- Feminizing hormone, it is secreted
slowly increasing amount until 11yrs. It
increases and continuous u...Usual sequence of maturational
Girls Boys
Breast changes Enlargement of testicles
Rapid increase in height and
In girls - If breast development has not occurred
by age 13 or if menarche has not occurred
within 4 years...General growth pattern
Boys Girls
Increased shoulder width Due to hormonal effect bones are
more strong, Broader hip
 Psychosocial development- Identity v/s role confusion
 Psychosexual – Genital stage
 Cognitive development – ...Psychosocial development
 Adolescence see themselves as distinct individuals
 During this period the adolescent is faced...Cognitive development
 Cognitive thinking cumulates with the capacity for
abstract thinking .
 This stage, the period of...Moral development
 Strong pressure to violate the old beliefs.
 Their decision involving moral dilemmas must be based
on...Spiritual development
 Adolescent are capable of understanding abstract
concepts and of interpreting analogies and symbol...Social development
 Adolescents want to grow up and to be free of parental
retrain restraints
 They are fearful as they ...Relationship with parents
 During adolescence the parent- child relationship
changes from protection-dependency to mutual...Cont.…….
 Teenagers become more competent, and with this
competence come a need for more autonomy.
 Parents should use a...Cont.……..
 To gain trust of adolescents, parents must respect their
youngster’s privacy, as well as show a sincere intere...Relationship with peers
 The peer group serves as a strong support to teenagers
providing them with a sense of belonging ...Cont.………
 Within the larger groups smaller, distinct, and rather
exclusive crowds or cliques of selected close friends
wh...Interest and activity
 Adolescent spend a large amount of time engaging in
leisure time activities.
 In addition to prov...Nutrition
 Increased nutritional requirements.
 The calorie and protein requirement during this
time are higher than at ...Cont.…..
 Girls with very heavy or frequent menses may be
especially susceptible for iron deficiency resulting from
blood...Nutritional requirements for
 Calories
 The average teenage boy get about 2,800 calories per
day and the ave...CONT…..
 Protein
 All teenage girls should get 5 oz. equivalents of protein
each day. Teenage boys who are 13 should als...Sleep and rest
 Rapid physical growth the tendency towards
overexertion, and the overall increased activity of this
age c...Exercise and activity
 Many adolescents participated in sports within the
 The practice of sports, games and eve...CONT….
 The activities provide exercise for growing muscles,
interactions with peers, and a socially acceptable
means of ...Immunization
TT Booster at 10 and 16 years
Rubella As part of MMR vaccine or (Monovalent) 1 dose to girls at 12-13 years o...Dental health
 Dental health should not be neglected during
adolescence, although the rate of caries formation is not
as ...Personal care
 Body changes associated with puberty bring special
needs for cleanliness.
 The hyperactive sebaceous glan...Sexuality education and guidance
 The development of primary and secondary sex
characteristics and the increased sensitiv...CONT……
 When discussing sex and sexual activities, nurse should
use simple but correct language, not highly scientific
te...Injury prevention
 Physical injuries are the common cause for death in
adolescent age group.
 The most vulnerable age ar...ANTICIPATORY GUIDANCE
 Encourage parents to:
 Accept adolescent as individual.
 Respect their ideas, likes and dislikes...Cont….
 Encourage learning by doing.
 Respects adolescent privacy.
 Try to make the communication clear.
 Provide clea...




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